Free Masks
Governor Ned Lamont signed an order on Saturday, April 18th, stating that all Connecticut residents must wear a mask or face cloth, if they cannot maintain social distance, which is six feet. This order has been in effect as of Monday, April 20th. Dr. Abbas Mohammadi and his team at Columbia Dental realize that it is difficult to maintain social distance in a dental practice, and we therefore assume all of our patients will follow this new rule.
Therefore, we will be dispersing free masks on Wednesday April 22nd, in the parking lot of 483 Middle Turnpike West (our Manchester location,) from 5 pm – 7 pm to everyone.
Masks will be available to everyone, not just to our patients. Four masks will be given out per vehicle, and masks will be given out on a first-come first serve basis. Although we believe there to be adequate number of masks for everyone, there is no guarantee that everyone who shows up will get a mask. If you happen to stop by, and we will be very pleased if you do so, please follow the following steps:
-Enter the parking lot at 483 Middle Turnpike West.
-Upon entry, you will be met by one of our employees, who will give you, and others in your vehicle, four masks in total (masks are not given out per person.) Simply roll down your window, please do not get out of the car.
-After getting your four masks, please return to Middle Turnpike West so that we can serve others.
We thank you in advance for committing to keeping Connecticut healthy, by picking up your free masks at 483 Middle Turnpike West, Manchester,CT.
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